Free Security Tips

Sign Up for Free IT Security Tips
Because IT security is such an IMPORTANT topic, WAMS has put together a series of every other week IT security tips to show you and your employees how to drastically reduce your chances of being a victim of cybercrime.
Seriously, these bi-monthly e-mails – and the strategies they contain – could save you from getting your bank account wiped out, getting your clients’ personal information stolen, losing critical data and having your systems down for extended periods of time, not to mention the bad PR, civil and criminal lawsuits and fines that can result from a data breach.
Every week we’ll focus on a single, simple thing you can do to avoid a data breach. We’ll also alert you IMMEDIATELY if we see any new threats developing that you need to be on high alert for.
As you would expect, we’re doing everything on our end to keep your network secure; however, security is a TEAM effort. YOU and your EMPLOYEES need to know how to avoid accidentally inviting a hacker, virus or data breach into your organization. Fill out the form to begin receiving free IT security tips!